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Alice Lloyd Eagles Golf team opens 2024 season

Prestonsburg, KY: On September 9th-10th, the Alice Lloyd College golf team traveled to Stonecrest Golf Course to participate in the 2024 ALC Fall Invite. Ten men's squads with 62 participants, battled over two days. 


 In the men's event, ALC would find themselves in 8th place, producing a two-day total of 645 (+69).

 Individually overall, the Eagles were led by Chase Petry and Jason Price, who tied for 19th place with a two-day total of 156 (+12). Petry fired a 73 on the second day, which was the fourth best score of all participants for the round.


Pos   Player To Par Thru Today R1 R2 Total
1 University of pikeville Pikeville Men
+9 18 +4 293 292 585
2 University of pikeville Pikeville - B Men
+30 18 +15 303 303 606
3 Saint mary of the woods college SMWC Men
+39 18 +17 310 305 615
4 Thomas more university Thomas More Men
+41 18 +14 315 302 617
5 20240908 21237 1dzr5hf Bob Jones Men
+47 18 +22 313 310 623
6 Riogrande logo Rio Grande - B Men
+52 18 +29 311 317 628
7 Ohio christian logo Ohio Christian Men
+62 18 +36 314 324 638
8 Alice lloyd college logo Alice Lloyd Men
+69 18 +35 322 323 645
9 Kentucky christian logo Kentucky Christian Men
+85 18 +38 335 326 661
10 Alice lloyd college logo Kentucky Christian - B Men
+176 18 +81 383 369 752
11 20240908 31435 lwkgxf Berea Men
+219 18 +106 401 394 795